Tuesday 1 June 2010

i want to be....??

so what is a news presenter? and what do they do? how do they achieve this?

"A news presenter is a person who presents a news show on television, radio or on the Internet."

A news presenter has many obligations to the public people:

1. To make sure the "right" news is being reported.

2. To make sure there is no bias in your story.

3. make sure you have the correct gramma, and be able to pick out mistakes in your writing. (e.g gramma- Grammar)

people can show their true personality on live TV but to an extent.
this clip shows a man going a little too far.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUS6nKpddec funny guy turns ghetto

being a news reporter on live TV means that things can go wrong and everybody will see
www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSzSyF85RGE&NR=1 break up on live TV

http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=In+Q7D-tDCA&feature=fvw NOTE: DONT DO THIS STORY!!!

    The main objective for a TV news reporter is to deliver stories that are of interest to the shows viewers. TV news reporter jobs are extremely competitive; the reporters who understand how to present relevant stories that interest and inform viewers have the best chance of getting hired. TV news reporters find and investigate news in their community as well as write and deliver compelling news stories.

    A TV news reporter often spends a lot of time getting ideas for stories. Investigating community happenings and interviewing people is something that most television news reports do almost daily. People who hope to become TV news reporters must have excellent communication skills in dealing with people. Good listening skills and getting accurate information are also important.

    Television news reporters must always meet deadlines when creating a written presentation to read on the air. Some TV news reporters work with other journalists to prepare and present television stories to viewers. A TV reporter must always be sure his or her stories meet broadcast regulations as well as standards set by each news channel.


    On the surface being a news reporter must seems like a glamorous job those who work in the industry know it is just the opposite. There is, however, no other job like it in the world. If you like deadline pressure, doing something new every day and making a difference it may be the job for you.

    1. If you want to start at a small market television station: unfortunatly a tiny portion of people who get into the TV news business will ever make it to a top 10 market. It’s a good idea to start your career in a small market because you can learn all aspects of the business. You will likely do everything like; report, produce, anchor, shoot video, edit and maybe even run the teleprompter with your foot! You’ll also get the opportunity to make your mistakes

    2. Be willing to get little pay…at least in the beginning of your career: The average reporter job in a small market gets paid between $15,000 and $18,000 a year. Shocked right? Contrary to popular belief most TV personalities are not rolling in cash. In Television news your doing more work then you are paid for.. you would do less work and be paid more at McDonalds.. Basically there are more people who want to be on TV than there are available positions. That’s part of the reason why pay is not competitive. Also, if you start at a small market station, you will get small market pay. It’s the nature of the business. If you see making a lot of money in your future don’t get into TV news!

    3. Forget about holidays at home: The truth is you will hardly ever get holidays off. You will most likely be working. Established main reporters at TV stations will most likely get holidays off which means you will be stuck at work. If you constantly move markets every couple of years to increase your salary and experience you will always be the new kid on the block, which means you won’t have seniority. So, you can kiss Christmas & New Year’s parties goodbye.

    4. Be willing to move anywhere to get your first job: Jobs are so competitive that you can’t be choosy when landing your first job.

    5. Go to university: Most TV stations require that you have a university degree preferably in broadcast journalism. Some schools that have top broadcast journalism programs.

    6. Learn how to speak well: Your voice is key in this field. You should concentrate now on projection, enunciation and inflection. All of these things will help you deliver your “script” in a compelling nature. Be authoritative in your speech. This will give you credibility with your audience. Read newspapers and magazines aloud. Listen to the best journalists in the field when they speak and try to emulate them.

    7. Learn how to write for TV: You of course learn some of this in school. Writing for TV is very different from writing an essay on MacBeth. You need to learn how to write to the images your audience will see on TV. It’s called writing to video. Also, you should keep writing simple and stay away from clichés. You have only one shot to get the attention of people at home.

    8. Be willing to work all the time: You may be placed on the morning shift, the evening shift, a split shift and the weekend shift at any given moment. New reporters especially have very little say in the hours they work. Working overtime is very common and few stations pay overtime.

    9. Create a resume DVD: A resume tape is a DVD that shows a sample of your reporting skills. It usually starts with a slate – a brief showing of your name and contact information. The slate is usually followed by a montage, which is a short segment of compelling live shots, samples of reporting and anchoring. The montage is then followed by three of your best stories. The best way to get your first resume tape is to do one in school otherwise it can be quite expensive. When your DVD is done you send it along with a cover letter and resume to news directors at the stations you are interested in. Then, you wait and cross your fingers.

    10. Be Persistent: Don’t stop until you get that first job! Persistence is an invaluable skill any reporter should have


Tuesday 18 May 2010

Post 2- Rebecca Lang

Technology has changed in so many ways in the last 10-20 years.
With all of the new i-pods and mobile phone choices it is no surprise that people aren't buying (or even in some cases selling) "old" versions of these things. Most people would much prefer to buy a laptop that is more convenient for work and school then to pay for a huge computer. Also, you don't see people on buses bopping their heads to the sound of rap music whilst holding a chunky disk-man, you see them with their i-pod in their pocket. People so quickly fall in with the times and upgrade their computers, TVs, ipods, sound systems, and even cars.
In years to come the millenniums will be asking us: What is a disk man? Why would you carry around something so chunky and ugly?
Journalists and people in the News Media Industry have found the advancement of technology to play in their favour. Journalists don't need to necessarily bring pen/paper to an interview anymore, they could bring their personal laptop, then after editing it and making it how they want, they could just send it straight from the luxury of their own living room. with all the new technology people can now video record footage from other countries and have it playing live in your home. The opportunities for furthering technology to benefit the Media Industry is endless..

Tuesday 11 May 2010

POST 5- Rebecca Lang

Detail 3 roles/work opportunities in digital media?
By Rebecca Lang

Web Development- Is the work involved in making your own website for the internet or intranet. (E.g. web design, web content development, client liaison, web server and network security configeration, and also e-commerce development).

Programming- is an artificial language that is designed to express computications that can be done by a machine, normally a computer. It can be used to create programes that control teh behavious of a machine.

Digital Art- is when you use digital technology to make an artwork. Net art, digital installation art, and cirtual reality have all become recognised artistic practices.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Want a moment of peace and tranquility?
By Rebecca Lang

After spending my 20 minutes in "heaven" or more specifically Wollongong TAFE Court Yard, felt myself feeling at peace with the world and myself. Why? you may ask? Well...

After the 1st few moments of walking into the court yard with James and Hayley. I noticed how the sun was seeping through the wiltering trees, mixed with the tweeting of little birds and the mixed conversations with the few people escaping out of class made the surrounding environment almost serene.

When the three of us sit down to converse, i feel the sun on my back and my man by my side. I can just feel my body and spirit take a deep breath of fresh Autumn air and feel that i can finally just be one with the world.

Tuesday 9 March 2010


After two men aged 24 and 25 were gunned down without any warning this weekend near some of Sydney's most exclusive real estate, police are concerned about an outbreak of gang war.
Police are currently searching for four suspects in The Rocks area. They believe that the men had fired at least 20 shots from semi automatic hand guns at close range.
Anti-firearm lobby groups have called for initiatives to halt the spread of illegal hand guns in Sydney while the New South Wales.
Opposition leader John Brogen accused the Government of letting gun crimes spiral out of control. "Bob Carr has run out of excuses" Brogen said."His policing strategies aren't working when criminals think shooting people in highly populated, tourist areas is easy"

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Mao's Last Dancer - David Stratton

Mao's Last Dancer (review of a review)

By Rebecca Lang

This review of Mao's Last Dancer by David Stratton is pretty much just a replay of the movie (though it does not go into detail and give away the ending).

For the first four paragraphs of the review, it only really states what actually happens in the movie. Though in the last two paragraphs there are actually David's thoughts of the movie, which to me came across as though he wasn't really paying attention to the story line of the movie opposed to being stubborn and picky with the actors chosen. :( Which I thought was just silly considering that it was an emotional roller coaster from my perspective.

We felt sorry for him, we cried for him and then for a finale we applauded for the sake of him getting his family back. I really like this movie and would recommend it to anyone who loves to laugh, cry, and applaud all in the matter of 2 hours. :)

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Miss Sophie Courtney Haber

A hot Tuesday afternoon.
As I sit outside on a bench in Wollongong TAFE smoking a cigarette with my new pal Miss Sophie Haber, who I currently know nothing about, I wonder... who is Sophie? What does she like? What are her political views? These are the questions I seek an answer to.

We got along straight away, Sophie is a very easy person to get along with and talk to. We made small talk about random things like smoking and had a nice conversation with our teacher Peter about how people kill trees and pretty much don't help the environment just to make cigarettes. I ask Sophie the questions I had been itching to find out, and these are the results.

Miss Sophie Courtney Haber is a 16 year old woman, from Austinmer. She is currently a smoker but would like to quit in the near future. Sophie has had 23 piercings in her life but today has she only has 5. A brunette with blonde streaks and brown eyes, she is very intelligent and seems to have her head screwed on pretty well considering her age.

Sophie lives at home with her parents and has her own personal farm - 3 dogs, 3 horses, 4 chickens, 1 rabbit (who thinks its a chicken) and 2 cats.

Sophie is currently doing her HSC through Wollongong TAFE, previously went to Port Kembla Senior College and in the future would like to become a tattoo artist.

Sophie enjoys riding horses, hanging out with friends and boyfriend Danijel, listening to her i-pod and enjoys all genres of music. She also enjoys reading, going to concerts, eating mac & cheese, the colour pink, and rainy days.
Sophie was an enjoyable person to interview and can see us hanging out in the future.

By Rebecca Lang :P