Tuesday 18 May 2010

Post 2- Rebecca Lang

Technology has changed in so many ways in the last 10-20 years.
With all of the new i-pods and mobile phone choices it is no surprise that people aren't buying (or even in some cases selling) "old" versions of these things. Most people would much prefer to buy a laptop that is more convenient for work and school then to pay for a huge computer. Also, you don't see people on buses bopping their heads to the sound of rap music whilst holding a chunky disk-man, you see them with their i-pod in their pocket. People so quickly fall in with the times and upgrade their computers, TVs, ipods, sound systems, and even cars.
In years to come the millenniums will be asking us: What is a disk man? Why would you carry around something so chunky and ugly?
Journalists and people in the News Media Industry have found the advancement of technology to play in their favour. Journalists don't need to necessarily bring pen/paper to an interview anymore, they could bring their personal laptop, then after editing it and making it how they want, they could just send it straight from the luxury of their own living room. with all the new technology people can now video record footage from other countries and have it playing live in your home. The opportunities for furthering technology to benefit the Media Industry is endless..

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